You can reach Snowshoe Lake by starting at Davidson Lake. First travel to Wilson Lake. From Wilson portage east (via portage #9) to a lake whose waters eventually end up in Snowshoe Lake via creek system. Refer to the map.

Portage #10: To largest headwater lake ("big island" lake) of the navigable part of the creek

Portage #10 is downhill alongside a creek. It is an easy walk.

Portage #11: In the creek

As you paddle out of "big island" lake, there is a short rocky channel that is usually navigable. A short paddle beyond that, there is a rapids on the creek. Portage #11 is the rapids portage. It is about 50 metres long.

Portage #12: In the creek

There is a waterfall and a rapids obstacle. If the beaver dam at the top of the falls is not breached, the creek between portage #11 and portage #12 widens significantly because of the dam flooding the area. Portage #12 starts in a flooded area. It is about 150 metres long with a steeper rocky section. The creek just downstream from portage #12 may not be navigable in low water years. You may have to creek walk a bit. That has happened to me only once in 8 travels through the area.

Portage #13: In the creek

There possibly are two options for this 80 metre portage: (1) portaging on the east side of the creek or (2) portaging on the west side on a newly created trail (not sure about this though).

Option 1 can be done by floating/pulling/lifting the canoe in the creek in high water. The creek flows straightish through a canyon. The steep walls of the canyon butt right along the creek on its west side. On the east side there is a rock garden walkway before you get to the canyon walls. The walkway has poison ivy near the downstream end of the creek. You can portage on the rock garden walkway in low water conditions but watch out for ankle busting perils.

Option 2 may exist only in my dreams but the last time I was through this area (in 2005), it looked as if someone had cut a portage trail on the west side of the creek, up and over a small hill.

Portages #14: In the creek

The portage is about 50 metres long. The tricky part is reaching the upstream trailhead because the inlet where the creek leaves the pond lake is shallow and rock-filled. The trailhead changes according to water levels. The place to find it is on the east side of the creek.

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